The Lebanon YWCA operates in 10 localities through its member associations:

Beirut YWCA Chiyah YWCA Bauchrieh YWCA
Hadath YWCA Jbeil YWCA Tripoli YWCA
Ablah YWCA Tyre YWCA Marjeyoun YWCA

The work of the YWCA is carried out by a team of volunteers and staff through committees that study community needs, define goals, plan and initiate projects.

YWCA volunteers add up to a membership of 800 belonging to nine local associations in both urban and rural areas.

The National YWCA of Lebanon is governed by an executive committee that is elected by the National council for a period of three years. The National Council is composed of presidents, directors and representatives of the local associations.

The National YWCA represents member associations at the World YWCA level and attends to their interests in official departments. Its functions are:

To provide channels and opportunities for the exchange of ideas and experience between member associations to help them realize and develop        their programs.

To provide leadership training for staff and volunteers.

To raise women's standards in accordance with the declaration of Human Rights.

To undertake relief and welfare work in emergency situations.

To extend its outreach into new fields and geographical areas.

To cooperate with public and private organizations that are involved in similar programs.

 © Lebanon YWCA 2002